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Located in Lusaka, Zambia, Mojo New Media offers a full package of innovative and creative multimedia promotion services, including on location photo-shoots and artist management. With a complete sound recording studio and a photography and design studio, the company produces music tracks, audio for film and editorial design.
We understand that an idea is the starting point of all things great. Without ideas there is no progress. Thus we make sure that we never run out of them. For an idea to be realized action needs to be taken. We not only see the value in ideas we also see the value in taking action and we take appropriate action to make sure ideas are fully realized. Out of having ideas and taking action comes perfection. You are guaranteed that every project Mojo undertakes will end in perfection.
We believe design is about making things good, then better and then fantastic.
Advertising and Editorial Design
- Strategy
- Experience
- Photography
Event photography
- Corporate photography
- Studio and on location photo-shoots
- We create music that produces pleasure that humans cannot do without.
Audio advertisement production
- Artist management
- Audio for film
- Music production