Young Executive Tours

Travel Agents
  • Accra, Ghana

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Young Executive Tours

Travel Agents

Accra, Ghana

Young Executive Tours "Yextours" welcomes you to a sunshine nation with a proud reputation as the friendliest in Africa and the Tourism Haven in Ghana. Yextours is a Non-profit group owned and managed in Ghana. It seeks to engage young people throughout the country in trying to sell the concept of Domestic & International Tourism in Ghana 

Yextours is committed to the highest standard of excellence in visiting natural tourist sites of Ghana; some of them include Water Falls, Caves & Mountains and the history behind it. Ghana can boast to have a haven that combines the warmth tropical beaches idly with a fascinating historical heritage and some fabulous viewing opportunities, classic destination that truly warrants the appellation 'best kept' secrets; one whose multifaceted attractions remain pure by mass tourism and whose smiling people inestimable value on the hospitality.

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