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Agro-Live Products

Foodstuff & Beverages

Kigali , Rwanda

Agro-live is one of Rwanda's leading distributer, exporter of Tea and Coffee. We do packaging, distribution and export of Rwandan tea and coffee. We add value to our products which gives them a taste of quality.

Agro-live deals in Rwandan Coffee and Tea. Agrolive purchases high quality tea and coffee which is the processed, added value and the packaged for resale.Coffee is Rwanda's premier export and source of foreign currency. It is one of the most important cash crops for about 500,000 coffee grower families. Rwanda is currently producing world class coffee in various parts of the country. Most families that grow coffee are commonly found in cooperatives. One of the famous cooperative is Maraba Coffee Cooperative (Abahuzamugambi b'Ikawa ya Maraba) found in Butare Province, southern party of Rwanda. 

Known as the "land of a thousand hills", Rwanda produces the world's finest coffee. These coffee beans have a rich color and deliciously refreshing aroma. Taste the sweet and wonderful flavors.Agro-live sells its tea in the country through all leading supermarkets. Agro-live also runs a small tea shop for the nearby consumers. Plans are under way to sign concessions with four local distributors who will supply all shops in the country.

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