Pattex Dubai Africa

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Big Foot Safari Lodge

Hotels, Lodges & Tourism

Accra, Ghana

We offer Bed and Breakfast, Restaurant and Bar facilities and on Site Camping (tents are available for rent). Big Foot Safari also arranges tours to the Wli waterfall, Mountain Afadzato(highest in Ghana),the Tafi Atome Monkey's sanctuary, Kpando Torkor(lake), Kyabobo forest reserve/waterfall, the caves in Likpe Todome. As well as general tours of the Hohoe municipality and beyond. Others can also be arranged upon request. Organized mountain bike trails and hikes are available for all ages. 

 Car rental services from Sputnik Travel and Tours, a sister company located in Accra, 15 min from the Airport' are also available. For more info go to Some week-ends are filled with traditional music, dancing and drumming

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