Elkins Marine Training Int'l (Nigeria) LTD

  • Lagos, Nigeria

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Elkins Marine Training Int'l (Nigeria) LTD


Lagos, Nigeria

Elkins Marine Training International operated as a division of BFT Training Unlimited, Inc. until EMTI was incorporated in August, 2002. ELKINS Marine Training International (EMTI) is an international maritime training and consultancy firm, with its world headquarters located in California , USA . EMTI provides the highest-quality training curriculum courses to the maritime and offshore industry worldwide. EMTI courses are approved by the United States Coast Guard, and/or other appropriate certifying bodies, and where appropriate, lead to the issuance of an International Maritime Organization (IMO) Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping (STCW) 95 compliant, and United States Coast Guard-approved Certificate of Course Completion. EMTI courses and certificates are also recognized by many other maritime administrations around the world; EMTI can, and has, provided assistance to other countries in the establishment of their own certification and licensing systems. EMTI works in partnership with selected “best-in-class” local partners in the locations and countries in which it operates. EMTI also offers expert marine consultancy services to governments, companies and other entities. EMTI enjoys official Advocacy Status from the United States Department of Commerce Advocacy Center, Washington, DC, and further is a World Bank working partner.EMTI offers students and client companies the benefit of decades of experience and understanding of international maritime affairs and interests, as well as practical experience on the ground in all parts of the world. EMTI conducts extensive training in IMO compliant and United States Coast Guard (USCG) approved courses (as well as being approved by many other IMO “white list” countries), meeting the requirements of the maritime community for STCW-95, SOLAS, ISM Code, ISPS Code, and other related concerns. Elkins also provides franchise and/or licensing packages for other maritime training institutions: best-in-class STCW courses consisting of training materials and equipment; an ongoing supply of updating materials, software licenses etc; and packages of learning materials for each student, plus external examiners to oversee and mark examinations and provide quality assurance to international standards. Elkins' courses are guaranteed to meet the standards required by the STCW-95 Convention for inclusion in the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) “white list.” It's a short-cut for institutions/organizations to offer leading-edge model courses without the extended time curve and monetary investment typically required by such an endeavor.The continuing relationship we develop with our customers and partners ensures that their training will meet the requirement for ongoing Quality Assurance (QA) demanded by the industry today. With Elkins Marine Training International, you can be sure you're getting only the best. EMTI has working relationships for training all over the world, including Ukraine , Russia , Brazil , and Venezuela (in partnership with Det Norske Veritas), Nigeria , & Egypt . Below is a brief on our operation in Nigeria :EMTI ( Nigeria ) Ltd.EMTI ( Nigeria ) Limited was developed at the urging of the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO). Nigeria was a heavily-trafficked maritime region with no internationally- standardized maritime training, and in 1999, EMTI was specifically approached by the IMO for this purpose, because of its international maritime expertise. As a result, a joint venture agreement was signed with a highly-respected Nigerian company - Hu-Fy Systems Ltd. Lagos, and the Training Academy was opened in November, 2000. Our institution in Lagos provides STCW-95 compliant training in professional and technical subjects required by the STCW-95 Convention, SOLAS, ISM Code, and ISPS Code including GMDSS General Operator's Certificate, Basic Safety Training, Tank Ship Courses, Security Courses, plus a full range of ancillary courses required by mariners and offshore personnel who need to meet the latest international requirements for certification. Our EMTIN School is also approved by Nigeria , Bahamas , Marshall Islands , Vanuatu , Liberia , St. Vincent & the Grenadines , and other IMO “white list” countries. In addition, EMTIN's Quality Management System has been certified to NIS ISO 9001:2000 by the Standards Organization of Nigeria for Maritime Safety and Security Training Courses, Global Maritime Distress and Safety Surveys, Installation, Maintenance and Repairs of Radio, Computer, Telecommunications and Electronic Navigational Aids Equipment. EMTI ( Nigeria ) Limited is managed by Chief (Engr) Hugh Friday Nwaneri, Managing Director.EMTI IS CLOSELY AFFILIATED WITH:United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO)Association of Marine Electronics and Radio Colleges (AMERC)Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM)United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC)United States Coast Guard (USCG)United States Department of Commerce Advocacy Center (DOC-AC)United States Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD) World BankELKINS MARINE TRAINING INTERNATIONAL SECURITY DIVISIONEMTI's Security Division Team is made up of leading U.S. security consulting and military experts who bring a wide range of experience in helping domestic and international clients meet the ever-changing needs of today's complex security threat environment.With the capability to teach anywhere in the world, EMTI’s Security Division is currently presenting the newly designed IMO-compliant security courses listed above, providing domestic and international certifications to dozens of students.EMTI's Security Division provides complete, comprehensive security solutions specializing in vessel, port and terminal security, anti-terrorism programs and measures, infrastructure hardening and project management services, including port and ship assessments, plans, audits and amendments. The Team's experience comprises years of combined technical and managerial expertise in all facets of maritime and industrial security.

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