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Mission Statement To Provide health care to all those who need it in an efficient manner, mindful that we treat but God heals. To remain financially viable and to be recognized by our customers for caring for them cost effectively.
Being appreciated by all employees for providing environment conducive for personal growth and excellence and renowned by all stakeholders for upholding high moral and ethical standards.
Occupational Health Service Team approach combining the latest in occupational health technology including Audiometry, Visual Assessment, Spirometry and Biological monitoring, all being interpreted by our competent staff. It caters for all medical examinations, employment and health impact assessment for all groups including mine workers, field workers, food handlers, executives and many more.
Licence has been given for provision of Obstetric (maternity)/Gynaecological and renal services. The main theatre will be used for obstetric & gynaecological operations. The renal unit will have facility for haemodialysis for two patients at a time. Land has been secured to establish an 80 bed hospital in the foreseeable future.