Katende, Ssempebwa and Company Advocates

  • Kampala, Uganda

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Katende, Ssempebwa and Company Advocates


Kampala, Uganda

Katende, Ssempebwa and Company Advocates has expanded its offices both physically and in the technology department. We have taken up an entire additional floor of office space on Radiant House Plot 20 Kampala Road, right in the heart of Kampala's City Centre where we are easily accessible to all our clients. We also believe that the intelligent use of technology allows us to provide better service to our clients. To these ends, we have further upgraded to more sophisticated automation and communication technology to support our clients in cost-effective ways. This includes more user friendly server based networking of all our computers, twenty four hour unlimited electronic mail and internet access for all staff members via our satellite server, imaging technology, video production capabilities and optical scanners. Our communication capabilities are designed to enable our lawyers to quickly and efficiently exchange information with clients, thereby improving our response time to our clients' needs. To man this new technology and the expansion, the Firm has a large fleet of technical, clerical and other support staff to ensure that we can meet the full expectations of all our clients in the most efficient way.

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