Africa Students Assistance

  • Tunis, Tunisia

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Africa Students Assistance


Tunis, Tunisia

Our company exclusively offers its services of coordination and organization of study stays in Tunisia and Morocco to the community of students of Sub-Saharan Africa, thus allowing them to realize their ambition of studying abroad.
We collaborate with training centers, public education and private education.

Our specialists in international education, with the objective of optimal optimization of the student life experience and the mobility of students and young graduates who are looking for quality supervision and training.

Integrating a private university education establishment into a public one in Tunisia is a decision that is based on a good number of advantages, the evidence of which may vary from one person to another, but no one can deny that going to Tunisia to continue one's studies is a promising experience!

Tunisia is a country that attracts its visitors thanks to its cultural wealth, its proximity and especially its educational system, the ease of obtaining a student visa, offers better opportunities for employability on the job market.

Africa Students Assistance works to set up a training program that meets the needs of its students and the job market. In addition, Africa Students Assistance works in partnership with the National Scholarship Agency of Gabon.

After its creation in 2011, the National Scholarship Agency of Gabon is under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology Transfer and under the administrative supervision of the Presidency of the Republic.

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