Bar-One Security (Pty) Ltd.

Security & Protection
  • Johannesburg, South Africa

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Bar-One Security (Pty) Ltd.

Security & Protection

Johannesburg, South Africa

Founded in 1985, Bar-One Security (Pty) Ltd has grown into a thriving business. Today employing a good staff ratio, most of whom have been taught and trained by skilled people in our factory.

 Steel products
 » Balustrading
 » Burglar proofing
 » Decorative steelwork
 » Driveway gates
 » Expandable trellis
 » Palisade & steel fencing
 » Premier projects
 » Security gates
 » Special projects

 Electronic products
 » Access control
 » Booms
 » Closed circuit television
 » Electric fencing
 » Garage doors
 » Gate automation
 » GSM devices
 » Intercoms
 » Safes

We have block adverts in the yellow pages under gates, burglar proofing and security as well as weekly advertising in the local Caxton papers. However a great deal of our business is by word of mouth passed on by our happy customers.
Products are manufactured on our own premises and we have machinery such as accentric presses, benders and twisters, and can offer customers a variety of products and designs of our own and those which customers individually require. All our work is tailor made to customers’ requirements and installed by ourselves.

We have a highly qualified sales and technical staff who are available to quote and advise on individual customer requirements. We also have a showroom where customers can call during weekdays.

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