Salama Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Health & Beauty
  • Dar es Salaam , Tanzania

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Salama Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Health & Beauty

Dar es Salaam , Tanzania

Salama Pharmaceuticals Limited was established in 1987 and is rated as the largest importer and distributor of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices in Tanzania. We import products which are manufactured to the established standards of Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority. In selecting the products, we give preference to the products from manufacturing plants that are also compliant to International Regulatory Standards including USFDA and UK MHRA and products having WHO Prequalification.The overall vision for SPL is to deliver healthcare products in ethical collaboration with medical professionals which enhance quality of life for patients, improve outcomes and deliver value through clinical leadership and excellence.Salama Pharmaceuticals Limited – a privately owned Company whose distinctly independent structure means that we are not constrained by the short term needs of individual shareholders and can focus on the future with long term strategies of vision and leadership.

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