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Vine Pharmaceuticals Ltd was incorporated in July 1999. It is duly registered by the Registrar of Companies as a Limited Liability Company and licensed by the National Drug Authority (NDA), a body responsible for regulation of drugs and pharmaceutical products in Uganda to carry out importation, wholesaling and Retailing of a wide range of ethically branded pharmaceuticals, nutriceuticals and body care products.
The company presently runs a chain of 24 outlets; 23 of which are pharmacies and one exclusively stocks cosmetics and body care products. The outlets are distributed with Kampala city and the suburbs plus a number of upcountry branches.
We are by far the largest retail pharmacy with intentions of making every Ugandan access quality health care within their locality. Vine is reputable of being able to source the hard- to- find medicines from all over the world. With its headquarters located at Bukoto, behind Kabira Country Club, the company employs over 110 staff; 23 of whom are registered pharmacists. It also employs pharmacy assistants, dispensers, administrators among others.
VPL has twice been awarded top 100 SMEs by KPMG and recognized as one of the top 30 growing companies in Africa by Africa awards for Entrepreneurship managed by Africa Leadership Network and sponsored by Omidyar Network. Vine is predominantly a retail business but has been previously contracted by National Medical Stores to supply sutures, pharmaceuticals and anti cancer medicines.