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The 4 x 4 Club

Automobile Parts

Harare, Zimbabwe

The 4x4 Club is affiliated to the Zimbabwe Motor Sports Federation - ZMSF. Our Club is a member of the Mashonaland Motor Sport Association Club House, situated at: 2 Annan Rd. Eastlea. The Club was originally formed as The Landrover and Off-Road Enthusiasts' Club in 1993. Since its inception the Club has grown and embraced all marques of 4 wheel drive vehicles. 
At the AGM held in March 2001, the name of the club was changed to 'The 4 x 4 Club' to reflect the ever-widening scope of the membership and its' activities.
Affiliated to the Zimbabwe Motor Sports Federation, this family-oriented club organizes off-road and four-wheel drive activities. Events are planned to be non-vehicle damaging and socially competitive. Members vehicles include a wide variety of four wheel drives from a collection of original early Series I Landrover to the latest and most modern of Japanese luxury off road machinery. The club also assists those brave enough to rescue and restore old vehicles.
Monthly club events include novice training days to teach the newly converted the correct use of their vehicles and equipment, hill climbs, rondeneering events and weekend cross-county jaunts. The club does not restrict its membership to owners of four wheel drives, but encourages all enthusiasts to join .
The objectives of the Club are
    * To further interest in Four Wheel drive vehicles
    * To provide members with information, advice and assistance on matters connected with 4x4 vehicles and equipment
    * To promote and educate the public in the use of four wheel drive vehicles and equipment
    * To arrange tours, lectures, trials and social events
    * To afford members such benefits and priviliges as it may be possible to arrange
    * The club will not destroy or harm the environment in any way
    * To promote an awareness of the environment

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