Foodstuff Africa WhatsApp Group

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Skwiza Co.

Foodstuff & Beverages

Durban, South Africa

Skwiza Co is a distribution company founded in early 2017.The company main product is ikhaya traditional zulu ginger flavoured beer. We are currently in the process of introducing new flavours which include pineapple ,original and jalepeno.

Ikhaya traditional ginger flavoured ginger beer is the new kid on the block with a kick of 6-7% alcohol.The product is distributed and sold in powder form at 500g per packet . Our clients can order in bulk on box containing 30 units each.Our ginger beer is approved by the food board . One 500g packet makes 5 litres of of beer. You simply pour 5 liters of cold water into a bucketadd powder and you stir then allow the mixture to foment for 48 hours and then it will be ready to drink.

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